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Oh, the Places We'll Go!

A video montage from our last winter/spring coddiwomple

A Coddiwomple 2025 Update

I continue to slowly piece together our next Great American Road Trip. Edits always occur in the planning stages, and I already have a big one!

As things stand now, we may leave earlier than we ever have while spending five months driving, walking, swimming, and walking the country. The reason for the earlier departure is to spend up to a week in a state we have always skipped on our previous coddiwomples. This swing through a new state will allow us to visit a National Park I thought we’d never reach.

There’s no hurry to leave northern New England during our favorite months of the year, but we must plan for these marathon excursions.

Please enjoy this montage from our most recent American Odyssey. Remember that the final six weeks of our travels changed drastically when Samwise contracted Ehrlichia, a tick-borne disease. Because of that, and considering Sam looks and acts a couple of years younger now that he’s receiving monthly Librela injections for the first…

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